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LP Con 2008!

I've been talking to the coordinator of the upcoming Libertarian National Convention in May. They need volunteers from May 19th to May 26th. Everyone should be finished with all of their finals by the 14th (academic calendar).

This would be a great a event to attend, and we'd have to do minimal fund raising. E-mail me if you're interested.

The Club Meeting has been canceled due to finals. Good luck on your finals, and be thinking about some goo articles for the paper. Post up your articles anytime (or email them)!
More Info:
Good Luck!

All the fuss the Democrats have been making about water boarding really makes me question their motives when they knew about it back in 2002.

In September 2002, four members of Congress met in secret for a first look at a unique CIA program designed to wring vital information from reticent terrorism suspects in U.S. custody. For more than an hour, the bipartisan group, which included current House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.), was given a virtual tour of the CIA's overseas detention sites and the harsh techniques interrogators had devised to try to make their prisoners talk.

Among the techniques described, said two officials present, was waterboarding, a practice that years later would be condemned as torture by Democrats and some Republicans on Capitol Hill. But on that day, no objections were raised. Instead, at least two lawmakers in the room asked the CIA to push harder, two U.S. officials said.

"The briefer was specifically asked if the methods were tough enough," said a U.S. official who witnessed the exchange.

Read Full Article:

I suppose it has finally become politically convenient for them to be "outraged"

"You know you can't win, right? Don't you think you're wasting your vote?"

I'm sure we've all heard this before, and of course it gets annoying sometimes. However, this situation can be a great opportunity to get others to think seriously about their role in American politics.

David Bergland, a former LP presidential candidate, wrote this great article about "The Wasted Vote Syndrome." Here's some great advice from the article:

Questions are effective tools for dealing with the "wasted vote" syndrome. By posing questions one subtly transfers the burden of proof. Rather than having to persuade someone with traditional, formal argument that his vote will not be wasted, his answers to well-crafted questions will contain the arguments that lead to the desired conclusion. Here are some questions that might help. Try to imagine how people you know might answer them.

What would you say is the purpose of voting?

When you cast your vote, what is your objective, what are you trying to achieve?

How likely is it that your one vote, among millions, will determine the outcome of the election? (Hmm. So is every vote "wasted?")

If you like a particular candidate, such as Ron Paul, why isn’t it wasting your vote to give it to a different candidate?

Do you think it’s important to understand what the different candidates stand for on the important issues, like the war in Iraq, taxes, foreign policy, etc., before deciding which candidate to support?

If you know the different candidates’ positions on the issues, which one do you agree with most?

If you were to vote for the candidate you agree with most, would that be wasting your vote?

When posing such questions (and you can no doubt come up with many more) it should be done with respectful attention. Ask the question and shut up. Don’t argue with the answers. You actually might learn something by listening to what your partner in the discussion has to say. I know I have. Assuredly, your partner will be much more likely to accept the conclusions he reaches if he works his way to them in response to your questions rather than by reacting to argumentative challenges.

Read the full article here.

I am happy to announce that the College Libertarians will begin printing an on-campus publication as decided at the last club meeting. Alyssa and I are currently working on the layout, what I ask of everyone in the club is to write an article for our first issue next semester. Write an article about anything political, from nation-wide discussions to on-campus policies to what the club is doing! Be creative, and start getting those articles in.
You can submit it by either emailing it, or just post it right here!
If anyone has any experience in creating a newsletter, or has any ideas such as a title, slogan, and layout, we want to hear from you!
If you have any question, feel free to contact me!

They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety. – Benjamin Franklin


Any members who are interested in attending the "Students for Liberty Conference" need to contact me ASAP, for applications to go are filling up rapidly at the national level and ability for the club to send you is filling up as well.
Many other things are in the works too, and I will push out an update really soon!

" The more corrupt the state, the more it legislates. – Tacitus"

While I trust the libertarian philosophy of privatize most everything, sometimes I worry about certian externalities which the market fails to account for. Nature reserves are a perfect example. We discussed the role of the Federal Government as a protector of the National Parks (like Yosemite and Tahoe and Toyabe).

This article would lead us to believe that private investors can protect land:

The Food and Agriculture Organization has an interesting breakdown of arguments for and against federal funding for National Forests:

This doesn't settle it for me though. I think as a rule we should leave the National Forest Department in tact. There are much more important things that need to have their funding cut. National Forests should have their funding cut after we have developed a more complex understanding of market externalities in regards to the environment.

However, I am still pondering the subject. If you have a more informed opinion feel free to be irate and verbally abuse me.


Here's a video of the same guy who asked Mitt Romney about medical marijuana (as mentioned in a previous post). In this clip, he's asking the same question to Ron Paul. Woot.

College Libertarians!
I am happy to announce that for those who are interested in attending the Students for Liberty Conference at Cambridge University in New York City, have the opportunity to do so! The conference is going to be held on February 22-24. If this is something you are interested in, please attend the next meeting on Monday, November 26. If you can't make it, please email me! They are only allowing 100 students to attend, so talk to me first then we can set you up to register! This is some info they put on their page:

It is with great pleasure that we would like to invite you to participate in the first ever Students for Liberty Conference (SFLC).Organized by students and for students, the SFLC’s mission is to bring undergraduate and graduate students together to learn more about the cause of liberty an how to best promote liberty on college campuses.

The cause of liberty is often underappreciated on college campuses today. Those students who enter college with a belief in liberty often lose sight of that belief because of the overwhelming presence of alternative ideologies. Many students give up because they believe they are alone. When students with a common belief in liberty do manage to come
together, they are left with few resources or networks of support to develop their organization. The problem is significant, but the solution is simple. There is a need for students from around the country to come
together to meet others interested in liberty and learn how to promote
liberty, taking that experience and knowledge back to each one’s college to
challenge the mainstream today...

It is endorsed by the Cato Institute, and I think it would be a lot of fun and something the club should definitely try to attend if you are interested! Check out their website at

I hope you all had a great Thanksgiving!!
  • Don't forget that we have a meeting this Monday! The senate chambers room in the JCSU is the permanent meeting place for the club now on. This meeting will primarily be focussed on studying libertarian philosophy and fully understanding our party platform. BRING ANY INFORMATION ON CURRENT DEBATE TOPICS YOU THINK IS INTERESTING AND SHARE IT WITH THE CLUB!
  • Some topics may include: the war in Iraq, healthcare, immigration, environment, gay marriage, and the national debt. These are tentative and are probably going to change! From what I have heard, we will probably be discussing up to 3. Don't forget to bring something that you think is interesting!
  • We will also be finalizing our budget to submit to ASUN, which will include a banner, sweatshirt/tshirt, and maybe a budget for food for meetings. Other suggestions welcome. We will be doing this since the deadline is Tuesday.
  • We will finish by discussing some fund-raising ideas, so that we can do some cool stuff soon!
I hope you all can make it!

The Tri-Partisan debate that was originally scheduled for November 27 has been rescheduled. Due to Thanksgiving and working with Flipside to help us host this event, the debate will happen in early December. I'm going to be meeting with the SEAB (Student Events Advisory Board) this Wednesday to figure everything out.

Here's a video of Mitt Romney talking to a guy who smokes medical marijuana, and he pretty much doesn't answer this guy's question. I found this pretty appalling.

On Tuesday, November 20, 2007 at 3:00PM, Ron Paul will be visiting Reno, NV right here on campus at Lawlor! Afterwards, he is going to be swinging by Carson City to be speaking at 7PM! I hope everyone can go and check him out! More information can be found at The FaceBook Page

Members of the Ron Paul Pack and the College Libertarians chalked the entire constitution in front of Lawlor in preparation for Ron Paul!
I admit, I had my doubts, but it turned out great, and we got many thousands of words out on the concrete! Check out the photos!
Pictures taken by: Kelly

As the ASUN funding meeting approaches, and as we are now a fully recognized and approved club, a need for a sweatshirt/t-shirt is ever approaching necessity.

Libertarians! Your assignment is:
To find a MINIMUM of 3 significant phrases or quotes that you believe encompass Libertarianism and what our club represents. A great website to find some awesome quotes is: Please post your results on this site.
Extra Credit:
I need help designing a Sweatshirt/T-Shirt! These are 2 ideas I have put together. It does not have to follow this design! I would love if everyone could give some input into this process. It is very easy to put together a design straight from this website. This is your opportunity!
Example 1
Example 2

As a side note, if you have not already done so, please sign up at the ASUN Website at: Get as many people to sign up for the club as you can! Thanks everyone!

I have booked a permanent meeting room for the club to meet!

  • No more scrambling!
  • No more wondering where the next meeting is going to be held!
  • No more loosing any sleep!
The new meeting place and time is:
The Senate Chambers Room – 3rd Floor in the New JCSU
Bi-Weekly meetings will be starting on Monday, November 26, 2007 at 6PM.

I took a quick picture of the meeting room with my camera phone, and as you can see, it should be able to adequately assist us in organizing our future activities, events, and trips!
I hope to see all of you there soon!
And as always, you can refer to the calendar for detailed information !

When I was a young jerk (as opposed to my current position as a young-adult jerk) I was a big fan of wrestling. I will admit that I still watch WWE when I get a chance to. As I was listening to older episodes of Angela Keaton's show The Liberated Space, and she was interviewing Sean Morley....better known as Val Venis!

Yeah, that's exactly who I'm talking about. The guy who does a towel strip tease in the ring, has a womanizing persona, and who's finishing move was "the Money Shot."

I was so excited to hear about this because I always liked Val Venis. I thought is character was just so silly and hilarious.

Anyway, he's a huge Libertarian, and he has his own blog talk radio show. He's also a big Ron Paul supporter.

He's writing a book right now about the war on drugs, and he's hoping to break into the political talk scene. I'm definitely going to keep an eye on him.

Check out his website: The Freetarian
Angela Keaton's interview with Val Venis: The Liberated Space

Photo Source

I found out about this in an e-mail from the Ron Paul Meetup group. It's a documentary about the school system in the U.S.

20-20 investigation by John Stossel entitled "Stupid in America" highlighting some of the flaws with the education system in the United States.The story started out when identical tests were given to high school students in New Jersey and in Belgium. The Belgian kids cleaned the American kids' clocks. The Belgian kids called the American students "stupid", which gave the piece its name.Jay Greene, author of "Education Myths," points out that "If money were the solution, the problem would already be solved: We've doubled per pupil spending, adjusting for inflation, over the last 30 years, and yet schools aren't better."

There is a Club Meeting at 6PM in WRB 2006 (Education Building) on November 13, 2007. This is going to be different from a normal meeting, since we will be watching a Webcast hosted by the University of Virginia where there is another National Discussion of Debate Series. I have already spoken about this event earlier, and if you want more information you can see the other post HERE. I am going to invite other political clubs to this meeting as well. It is a little last minute, but hopefully some of them can attend. Also, if time permitting, we will be finalizing our Banner and T-Shirt Design!
See you there!!

Update: I got a reply on the Tri-Partisan Debate, and it will occur near the end of the month. I will post information as I get it.

Yes everyone, the time has come... the time has come where we are now in the bureaucratic machine of approval.

This is a beautiful sight my friends:

After watching V for Vendetta, College Libertarians decided to spread the word about the Ron Paul Revolution! The pictures taken show only a small portion of the labor and time intensive task we had before us. Way to go everyone!

Remember, Remember, the 5th of November!

Even though we were competing with Monday Night Football, we had over 100 people attend our movie showing of V for Vendetta. Alyssa Cowan gave a great speech before the meeting describing the significance of the movie and how it is relevant to the Ron Paul Revolution! It was a great event with popcorn and soda.

We distributed over 200 free burgers to promote the V for Vendetta movie showing we had later that evening. I want to thank everyone who helped out!

I would like to thank everyone who attended the sign painting! I believe we made over 40 signs! Here are a few pictures from the event. Good job everyone, and stay tuned when we deploy these signs in strategic locations across the city to "spread the word"!

Okay, okay, it seems a little late to be plugging this, I know. But in case you missed it, here is a link to the Jay Leno website. You can check out the episode there for the time being.

This is going to be a multi club event where we will be making signs for Ron Paul. Also, we will be making a temporary banner for the College Libertarians where we will be able to hang at the November 5th movie. It is possible there will be media coverage. I will post details as I receive them in the comments.

View Larger Map

I am going to be doing something different and post each individual topic we discussed at the meeting as a seperate post so that we all can discuss them separately.

The current "Projects" are linked to the left!

I would like to thank everyone who attended the meeting tonight! I'm really excited with some of the fun stuff we have in the works. I am going to be posting some stuff in individual topics so we can more effectively collaborate on ideas. If you got any ideas, post it or reply to the posting! Let's start doing stuff!!!

If you all have a better name for this let me know, but I thought this was fitting. Basically, we need to find out when the other political clubs are up to, and once we gather enough information... challenge them to a debate. Emailing them did not work, so this is the next attempt. Keep your eyes and ears open, and post your findings as soon as you can.

Our targets:
Young Dems
College Republicans
The other republican club????

This should interesting, and post up if you are interested!

We had some good ideas for things to do with the club. I wrote down some of the ideas that we had at the meeting like:

Hiking Mount Rose
Rock Wall
Putting together a Paintball Tournament Team with the National Guard's Paintball Event, going to a laser tag place, and going to a gun range to flex and show off our 2nd amendment skills.

Post any and all ideas you guys have!

My lack of skillz in Photoshop and any type of photo design program hinders me from actually designing a T-Shirt or Banner, but the next semester is coming around fast and having effective T-Shirts and a good banner will definitely give us a name at UNR. I know some of you already had some cool ideas, so go ahead and post your ideas here! I found a guide that gives the "10 Rules for More Effective Advertising" and might be a good thing to go by.
If you have anything that hits you, from significant quotes to good designs.. anything! Go ahead and post it up!

I know there are many people who do not have a facebook account, but have a MySpace account. I think its important to have a club that is on Myspace too, so if anyone feels that they are up to the challenge, post your plans and put it up!

There is going to be a National Discussion of Debate Series hosted by the Miller Center of Public Affairs at the University of Virginia where there will be four participants who will have one hour to debate the proposed resolution:
"In the war against terrorism, and with the advances in technology, Americans need to lower their expectations of privacy."
They are going to have a webcast of this event on their website, and maybe it would be a fun thing for us to host this event where we could have a public viewing of it (maybe in the new student union??) with some popcorn and stuff and invite the student body.. Afterwards, we can spend 15 minutes or so discussing the debate, or have an open mic time. They have provided a packet that is very helpful in organizing this event. I will bring it up at the meeting!

I would first like to thank everyone who attended the meeting on Wednesday!
I think it went very well for our first one! I attended the Ron Paul Pack meeting on Thursday, and by joining forces with them we have some exciting events that are in the works for the end of this month and early next month! Some of our events include:

  1. Monday, October 22, 2007 - Monday Message - We will be posting fliers at strategic points around campus. I have printed out 50 fliers that describe our next meeting time and location. I will be giving some to Travis, but if anyone wants to help us out posting them, please let me know!
  2. Tuesday, October 30, 2007 - Club Meeting - This meeting will be very important to discuss and finalize plans for the Liberty BBQ and other events that will be taking place. We will also be electing officers! As mentioned above, we have changed the time and location to 6PM in the Frandsen Humanities Building! : Room 019! We changed the time so more people can attend! I hope this works out for everyone!
  3. Saturday, November 03, 2007 - Sign-Painting Party - We (and the Ron Paul pack) are going to be painting large signs for the Ron Paul campaign. We need a good location to paint these signs! If you know of a good place to do it, please let me know!
  4. Monday, November 05, 2007 - Remember, Remember, the 5th of November - Government is NOT the answer. I will be updating you when I get more information on the events taking place!!!!
  5. Monday, November 19, 2007 - Spread the Word! - We want to get a booth set up in the new Joe Crowley Student Union. There will be many people checking it out, even after open house! We need to get in there right when it opens and spread the word!
All of these events have been posted on our calendar. If you have not done already, go ahead and join us on FaceBook! It is one of the easiest ways to stay up to date on what we are doing other than this site!
At our meeting, we basically discussed some of the events that have been mentioned above. Some of the key points included:

  • Begin designing a finding a price quote for a quality banner that we can have for all of our events. This is a main priority.
  • Contact scheduling services to get the earliest possible time to get a booth in the new student union.
  • Begin placing fliers and spreading the word of the club.
  • Contact our adviser Gary Cage to get our constitution submitted for full ASUN recognition. I suggest putting something along the lines of "The adviser can participate as much or as little as they want to." just so we can get it done.
  • Find a treasurer!
Things are beginning to happen, but it will only be a success with help and support of others! Spread the word! and.. Remember, Remember, the 5th of November....
-- John Russell


Minutes from the meeting and scheduled future events will be posted shortly! I have not had time to compile everything yet amidst semester exams. Stay posted!

Some quick announcements before the meeting:

  • There is a chance that a representative from the Libertarian Party of Nevada may be attending our meeting!
  • There is probably going to be someone from the Sagebrush reporting on us and might be asking us some questions!
  • We have enough members signed up on the ASUN website to officially become a club, so the last step is to finish our constitution which we will be doing at the meeting tomorrow!
I know there are some of you who would have liked to come to the meeting, but the timing is conflicting with your schedule. Please let me know when a better time would to meet so we can accommodate you!

I wish all of you the best of luck on midterms this week, and I hope to see you at the meeting tomorrow!

I am happy to announce that we are going to be holding a club meeting at the Mack Social Science Building on Wednesday, October 17, at 3PM in Room 125. It is posted on our calendar. We will be:

  • Electing officers!
  • Finishing and revising our constitution!
  • Planning events and activities that were mentioned at the last meeting!
  • Discussing other concerns that may be relevant!
I hope that all of you whom are interested in the club can attend! I will see you there!

I have just emailed the presidents of the Young Dems Club and the College Republicans Club to see if they would like to participate in the debate we discussed at the meeting! I will keep everyone informed on any progress we are making.

I know that there were some people that could not make it to the meeting, and since we do not have a secretary yet, I will give a short run-down of what we discussed at the 10/3/07 meeting.

  • We are going to be electing officers next week, since this meeting was such short notice. We decided that it would not be fair to elect officers on such a brief amount of time. Everyone agreed we will post activities further in the future.
  • We ran down a suggestion list from . They suggested the following"
      • Contact your local or state Libertarian Party. Ask if they have any candidates who need some volunteers. Offer to go door-to-door with flyers and brochures.
      • Show liberty-themed movies. Depending on your membership and campus, these could include WACO:RULES OF ENGAGEMENT, or any Cheech & Chong film, or HARRY'S WAR, or a Ron Paul video, or whatever suits your fancy. See for more ideas. Have a 3-minute presentation before the movie explaining WHY it is a liberty-themed movie (just so the movie-goers get the point!).
      • Start a club web site
      • Invite the Campus Dems and Campus GOPs to a tri-partisan debate. Pick a couple of key topics -- War on Drugs, Draft, Social Seurity, whatever is hot on your campus.
      • Hold a club fund-raiser. Invite some local bands that need exposure and will play anywhere for free (there are ALWAYS a few of those on campus!). Find an outdoor venue, perhaps a field outside of town that someone's friend or family owns. Have a several-hour concert. Charge people by the carload instead of by the person, to encourage car-pooling and designated drivers.
      • Invite a charismatic libertarian candidate to speak at your club. (MAKE SURE THE SPEAKER IS CHARISMATIC. Dull speakers will kill any future interest in your club!)
  • From this list we thought hosting a Tri-Partisan Debate would be a good idea. John Russell volunteered to try and contact the other clubs to see if they would want to participate.
  • Travis Wright is going to get the posters out around campus ASAP to try and promote our club more.
I will keep everyone posted in the progress of our goals! Thanks to all whom showed interest and showed up! If you have any suggestions, please post it here or let me us know!!

There is going to be a meeting on Wednesday, October 3rd at 3PM! I hope to see everyone there!! Check out the calendar!

John Russell

It is now possible to join the club through the ASUN website! It ahs come to my attentino that you have to go to the link "Join a Club" and not "Start a Club" when joining. Refer to the instructions that we have provided! Yes!!

Reflect as you read these six quotes:

  1. "We're going to take things away from you on behalf of the common good."
  2. "It's time for a new beginning, for an end to government of the few, by the few, and for the few...... And to replace it with shared responsibility for shared prosperity."
  3. "(We) ....can't just let business as usual go on, and that means something has to be taken away from some people."
  4. "We have to build a political consensus and that requires people to give up a little bit of their own turf in order to create this common ground."
  5. "I certainly think the free-market has failed."
  6. "I think it's time to send a clear message to what has become the most profitable sector in (the) entire economy that they are being watched."

You might think these were the famous words of the Father of communism, Karl Marx....and you would be on the right track in thinking so.....but you would be wrong......

These pearls of socialist/Marxist wisdom are from non other than our very own, home-grown Marxist.........Hillary Clinton!........

Comments made on:

(1) 6/29/04
(2) 5/29/07
(3) 6/4/07
(4) 6/4/07
(5) 6/4/07
(6) 9/2/05

Continue the fight for freedom! Next meeting is Wednesday! Check the calendar for details!

Hopefully all of you received his email, but just in case here is what he has sent. If you do not receive the newsletter just let us know! We are almost ASUN recognized! Yes!

Hello everybody,

I have good news! First Dr. Gary Cage of the Philosophy department has agreed to be our faculty advisor. Second, as John has already announced, we have a constitution mostly complete.
So, we're basically two thirds of the way to ASUN recognition. All that remains, is for everybody to officially join the club via the ASUN website ( ). Just follow that url, sign in with your NetID and password (the text boxes are in the upper right hand part of the page), mouse over "Clubs" at the bottom of the picture, and click on "Join a Club". That will take you to a page that says, "Add yourself to an existing club"; from there click the dropdown list and scroll until you see "College Libertarians"; click on it. Then, click the "Add" button. And that should do it. If you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask.

I know that was a little detailed; but I didn't want to leave anything to chance --plus I personally like a good set of instructions.

Finally, the meeting will be next Wednesday (03Oct) at 3pm location to be determined, but somewhere on campus.

Hope everybody has a great weekend.


Contact Us

Barry Belmont - President/Librarian
Travis Hagen -Vice-President
Michael Fasano - Treasurer
Jane Glasgow - Secretary
John Russell - Bureaucracy Infiltrator/Evil Capitalist/Liberty Report Editor/Co-Founder

Check us out!
Stay up to date with us on Facebook.
Join us - ASUN

About Us

As the name implies, we are Students for Liberty; a student-driven group on campus totally dedicated to promoting, supporting, and defending the great American principles of of individual liberty, constitutional government, sound money, free markets, and a non-interventionist foreign policy. In order to continually accomplish these goals, we will do this by providing educational and social networking opportunities for students who are dedicated and/or interested in our mission. We will be introducing the aspects of our mission as effectively as possible into the market-place of ideas. We will be maintaining a visible presence on campus to contribute directly to the ideas of liberty, and reach out and unite other organizations and individuals dedicated to the cause of liberty through networking and campaigning.


Our Mission:

Our mission is to inspire a student-driven force on campus dedicated to promoting and defending the great American principles of individual liberty, constitutional government, sound money, free markets, and a non-interventionist foreign policy by supporting, educating, and uniting like-minded individuals.

Club Constitution

What Is The Libertarian Party?

The Libertarian Party is your representative in American politics. It is the only political organization which respects you as a unique and competent individual.

America's Heritage

Libertarians believe in the American heritage of liberty, enterprise, and personal responsibility. Libertarians recognize the responsibility we all share to preserve this precious heritage for our children and grandchildren.

Free and Independent

Libertarians believe that being free and independent is a great way to live. We want a system which encourages all people to choose what they want from life; that lets them live, love, work, play, and dream their own way.

Caring For People

The Libertarian way is a caring, people-centered approach to politics. We believe each individual is unique. We want a system which respects the individual and encourages us to discover the best within ourselves and develop our full potential.

Principled; Consistent

The Libertarian way is a logically consistent approach to politics based on the moral principle of self-ownership. Each individual has the right to control his or her own body, action, speech, and property. Government's only role is to help individuals defend themselves from force and fraud.


The Libertarian Party is for all who don't want to push other people around and don't want to be pushed around themselves. Live and let live is the Libertarian way.

America's Third Largest Party

The Libertarian Party is America's third largest and fastest growing political party. Libertarians engage in a variety of projects, working for everyone's liberty on every issue.

The Libertarian Party was created in December of 1971 by people who realized that the politicians had strayed from America's original libertarian foundation, with disastrous results. Their vision was the same as that of America's founders -- a world where individuals are free to follow their own dreams in their own ways, a world of peace, harmony, opportunity, and abundance.

Libertarians are practical; we know we can't make the world perfect. But, it can be better. Libertarians will keep working to create a better, freer society for everyone. As William Allen White said: "Liberty is the only thing you cannot have unless you are willing to give it to others."

Why Not Stick With The Establishment?

"Given the low level of competence among politicians, every American should become a Libertarian."

-- Charley Reese, Alameda Times-Star (California), June 17, 2003

The politicians in Washington and our state capitals have led us away from the principles of individual liberty and personal responsibility which are the only sound foundation for a just, humane, and abundant society.

Government at all levels is too large, too expensive, woefully inefficient, arrogant, intrusive, and downright dangerous. Democratic and Republican politicians have created the status quo and do not intend to change it.

The Libertarian Option

Consider the Libertarian option:

  • Substantially reduce the size and intrusiveness of government and cut all taxes.
  • Let peaceful, honest people offer their goods and services to willing consumers without a hassle from government.
  • Let peaceful, honest people decide for themselves what to eat, drink, read, or smoke and how to dress, medicate themselves, or make love, without fear of criminal penalties.
  • The U.S. government should defend Americans and their property in America and let the U.S. taxpayer off the hook for the defense bill of wealthy countries like Germany and Japan.

What Americans Want

Americans want, and deserve, a political system which respects them as unique individuals; as people who can make their own plans, who can take responsibility for themselves, who are compassionate, and who can and will solve their own problems if allowed to do so.

Most Americans, after some thought, prefer the Libertarian option in politics. Most people in their private, non-governmental, affairs deal with each other on the libertarian premise of mutual respect. You don't threaten your neighbors with fines or jail just because they choose careers or lifestyles different than yours.

Let's hold government to the same standard. Protect us and our rights, and give us the respect we deserve.

Time For Action

We hope you can see the benefits of living in that America envisioned by the founders and by their political heirs, today's Libertarians.

We hope you will want to join the Libertarian Party and become involved in our many activities at the national, state, and local levels.

Are you ready for a change in American politics?

For as long as most of us can remember, Republican and Democratic politicians have talked about solving the problems that face Americans; but their "solutions" have only worsened the situation -- higher and higher taxes; greater intrusions into our personal lives; more rapes, murders, and muggings; and a crumbling public school system graduating fewer and fewer people who can read.

We believe the American people -- like their counterparts in Eastern Europe -- have seen through the charade of big government. We believe the American people are ready for a fresh approach to the problems that plague us. Libertarian ideas were instrumental in the birth of our country, and they can inspire a return to the individual initiative, responsibility, and prosperity that were once part of the American dream. If you agree, we hope you will join us.

© Copyright 2006 National Libertarian Party
