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Students for Liberty

College Libertarians!
I am happy to announce that for those who are interested in attending the Students for Liberty Conference at Cambridge University in New York City, have the opportunity to do so! The conference is going to be held on February 22-24. If this is something you are interested in, please attend the next meeting on Monday, November 26. If you can't make it, please email me! They are only allowing 100 students to attend, so talk to me first then we can set you up to register! This is some info they put on their page:

It is with great pleasure that we would like to invite you to participate in the first ever Students for Liberty Conference (SFLC).Organized by students and for students, the SFLC’s mission is to bring undergraduate and graduate students together to learn more about the cause of liberty an how to best promote liberty on college campuses.

The cause of liberty is often underappreciated on college campuses today. Those students who enter college with a belief in liberty often lose sight of that belief because of the overwhelming presence of alternative ideologies. Many students give up because they believe they are alone. When students with a common belief in liberty do manage to come
together, they are left with few resources or networks of support to develop their organization. The problem is significant, but the solution is simple. There is a need for students from around the country to come
together to meet others interested in liberty and learn how to promote
liberty, taking that experience and knowledge back to each one’s college to
challenge the mainstream today...

It is endorsed by the Cato Institute, and I think it would be a lot of fun and something the club should definitely try to attend if you are interested! Check out their website at