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I know that there were some people that could not make it to the meeting, and since we do not have a secretary yet, I will give a short run-down of what we discussed at the 10/3/07 meeting.

  • We are going to be electing officers next week, since this meeting was such short notice. We decided that it would not be fair to elect officers on such a brief amount of time. Everyone agreed we will post activities further in the future.
  • We ran down a suggestion list from . They suggested the following"
      • Contact your local or state Libertarian Party. Ask if they have any candidates who need some volunteers. Offer to go door-to-door with flyers and brochures.
      • Show liberty-themed movies. Depending on your membership and campus, these could include WACO:RULES OF ENGAGEMENT, or any Cheech & Chong film, or HARRY'S WAR, or a Ron Paul video, or whatever suits your fancy. See for more ideas. Have a 3-minute presentation before the movie explaining WHY it is a liberty-themed movie (just so the movie-goers get the point!).
      • Start a club web site
      • Invite the Campus Dems and Campus GOPs to a tri-partisan debate. Pick a couple of key topics -- War on Drugs, Draft, Social Seurity, whatever is hot on your campus.
      • Hold a club fund-raiser. Invite some local bands that need exposure and will play anywhere for free (there are ALWAYS a few of those on campus!). Find an outdoor venue, perhaps a field outside of town that someone's friend or family owns. Have a several-hour concert. Charge people by the carload instead of by the person, to encourage car-pooling and designated drivers.
      • Invite a charismatic libertarian candidate to speak at your club. (MAKE SURE THE SPEAKER IS CHARISMATIC. Dull speakers will kill any future interest in your club!)
  • From this list we thought hosting a Tri-Partisan Debate would be a good idea. John Russell volunteered to try and contact the other clubs to see if they would want to participate.
  • Travis Wright is going to get the posters out around campus ASAP to try and promote our club more.
I will keep everyone posted in the progress of our goals! Thanks to all whom showed interest and showed up! If you have any suggestions, please post it here or let me us know!!