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When I was a young jerk (as opposed to my current position as a young-adult jerk) I was a big fan of wrestling. I will admit that I still watch WWE when I get a chance to. As I was listening to older episodes of Angela Keaton's show The Liberated Space, and she was interviewing Sean Morley....better known as Val Venis!

Yeah, that's exactly who I'm talking about. The guy who does a towel strip tease in the ring, has a womanizing persona, and who's finishing move was "the Money Shot."

I was so excited to hear about this because I always liked Val Venis. I thought is character was just so silly and hilarious.

Anyway, he's a huge Libertarian, and he has his own blog talk radio show. He's also a big Ron Paul supporter.

He's writing a book right now about the war on drugs, and he's hoping to break into the political talk scene. I'm definitely going to keep an eye on him.

Check out his website: The Freetarian
Angela Keaton's interview with Val Venis: The Liberated Space

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