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Monday Meeting

I hope you all had a great Thanksgiving!!
  • Don't forget that we have a meeting this Monday! The senate chambers room in the JCSU is the permanent meeting place for the club now on. This meeting will primarily be focussed on studying libertarian philosophy and fully understanding our party platform. BRING ANY INFORMATION ON CURRENT DEBATE TOPICS YOU THINK IS INTERESTING AND SHARE IT WITH THE CLUB!
  • Some topics may include: the war in Iraq, healthcare, immigration, environment, gay marriage, and the national debt. These are tentative and are probably going to change! From what I have heard, we will probably be discussing up to 3. Don't forget to bring something that you think is interesting!
  • We will also be finalizing our budget to submit to ASUN, which will include a banner, sweatshirt/tshirt, and maybe a budget for food for meetings. Other suggestions welcome. We will be doing this since the deadline is Tuesday.
  • We will finish by discussing some fund-raising ideas, so that we can do some cool stuff soon!
I hope you all can make it!