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Many times throughout the course of political discussion, arguments and debates quickly digress into intense and emotionally filled combative yelling contests generally between two or three different viewpoints upon any given subject. We feel that this is due to a lack of deeper understanding of opposing viewpoints. Instead of rationally attempting to understand where the other is coming from, it is often times seen as a personal attack on family/friend/hero derived values. We hope to dive beneath the current political issues and instead arrive at a deeper, more philosophical understanding as to why people differ in their political values.

This is why, for the next two meetings, the UNR Students for Liberty will be hosting a two part series where we will be having open meetings to discuss different political philosophies. This Thursday, we will begin by cordially inviting organizations typically seen as “Left Wing” or “Liberal” in nature to understand their philosophy and try to mutually determine each other’s stance. Following this, we will invite “Right Wing” or “Conservative” organizations to the discussion. Through this, we hope it will not only increase understanding between “us” and “them”, but also create open lines of communication with on-campus political groups (since it is nearly non-existent as of now). This will be a discussion mostly of personal political beliefs and to compare and contrast the views of other political viewpoints. This will not be a debate, but merely a time to find mutual understanding.

Everyone is welcome and encouraged to come learn more about these two camps. So if you consider yourself a “conservative”, we welcome you to come to the “Left Wing” meeting and vice versa. We hope to unite understanding between all campus organizations.
Knowing is half the battle. See you there!

The Left – Thursday, April 9 at 7:00PM in JCSU 317  RSVP
The Right – Thursday, April 23 at 7:00PM in JCSU 423 RSVP
