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We are happy to welcome the director for the Center for Consitutional Government at the Goldwater Insitute - Nick Dranias - to come speak about the top 10 ways of increasing liberty at the local government level.  Prior to joining the Goldwater Institute, Dranias was an attorney with the Institute for Justice.  In law school, Dranias served on the Loyola University Chicago Law Review, competed on Loyola’s National Labor Law Moot Court Team, and received various academic awards.  He graduated cum laude from Boston University with a B.A. in Economics and Philosophy.

Dranias has authored numerous articles, including Past the Pall of Orthodoxy, which challenges bar admission restrictions limiting the practice of law to graduates of ABA-accredited law schools.  He is also the author of The Land Of 10,000 Lakes Drowns Entrepreneurs In Regulations, a study that shows how regulations block the path to the American Dream, and how those barriers can be removed.  His next work, Consideration as Contract, was published in the Spring 2008 edition of the Texas Review of Law and Politics.

This will be very interested for anyone who may be interested in liberty!  He is flying down from Phoenix to speak to us.  Don't miss it!
Thursday, April 2nd in the William Raggio Building Room 2009 at 5PMRSVP