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This lecture was given on September 25, 2008. It is a basic overview of my interpretation of anarcho-capitalism. The topics addressed range from gay marriage and gun control to safety standards and healthcare to police services and military action.

As a note...thanks to our meeting last semester about guns and gun control, I was shown the error of my view of gun control on the free least the way it is presented in this lecture. While I think the seed of the idea that I present is good it is, unfortunately, wrong. That is not to say that gun control on the free market is not possible, only to say that in this lecture I got it wrong.

However, I will correct it as well as address an anarchist legal system and the possibility of free market military defense (not to mention solve that pesky free rider problem) on March 26, 7 PM, in the Joe Crowley Student Union, room 423.

Anarcho Capitalism Lecture